πŸŒ‰Bridging Guide

A custom Stargate Layer Zero Bridge implementation solves a primary problem we've had with Bookiebot since day one: ETH Mainnet support.

Our built-in custom bridge implementation makes it easy to onboard with ETH on mainnet and quickly be ready to start betting.

The Simplest way to bet on Bookiebot?

Deposit $ETH to your Bookiebot Wallet. Bridge $ETH from Ethereum Mainnet straight to Optimism, and start betting inside of 10 minutes.

Mainnet -> Optimism -> Bet Simple, quick, and easy. We encourage you to explore your betting options on Polygon, too, as both chains provide a variety of options. You can learn more here.

What is Layer Zero/Stargate?

-Stargate is a fully composable liquidity transport protocol that lives at the heart of omnichain DeFi.

-We utilize Stargate for all bridging aspects as it is the most secure and well tested bridge currently available.

-See their website for more details about them: https://stargate.finance/overview

Within the bot, you will find the Bridge button on the Main Menu

After pressing the 'Bridge' button on the Main Menu, you will be taken to the in-bot bridge interface.

Fortunately, just like everything in Bookiebot, bridging is pretty self explanatory.

  • Along the top you have your balances on each respective chain

  • Source Chain is where you select which network you want to send money from

  • Destination Chain is where you select which network you want to send money to

  • Asset is where you select which token you want to bridge

And the calculator-like UI is where you input the amount of your selected asset you want to bridge.

  1. Select the Source Chain, ie chain you wish to bridge from. A βœ… will indicate your current selection

  2. Select the Destination Chain, ie the chain you wish to bridge to. A βœ… will indicate your current selection

  3. After you have selected the Source and Destination chains, the available Asset options will be displayed. Select the desired Asset option. A βœ… will indicate your current selection

  4. Use the calculator-like UI to enter the amount the Asset you would like to bridge, and then press the 'Confirm Amount' button

  5. The bot will first advise you that the Bridge transaction has been initiated, and then it will advise you that the transaction has been confirmed.

Once the bridge transaction has been confirmed, please be aware that it can take up to 20 minutes for the bridging to be completed and for your assets to arrive in your wallet. The time it takes varies depending on the chain and token. Some take sub 5 minutes. Please also note that, like any blockchain transaction, there is a gas fee for bridging. In addition, there is a small bridging fee charged by the Stargate protocol. Neither of these protocol fees go to Bookiebot, and the cost of bridging is the same whether using the built-in bridge or Stargate's own UI.

Last updated